Case Report

Amyloidosis With Periorbital Rash


We presented a middle-aged woman with nonspecifc signs and symptoms, including dyspnea, lower limb edema, and elevated jugular venous pressure. Among these, the skin changes including nail changes, macroglossia and periorbital rash were the mos important clues to suspect primary amyloidosis. Paraclinical sudies were anemia, proteinuria and resricted cardiomyopathy. Abdomi nal fat pad biopsy is usually the frs sep to confrm the amyloidosis. However, despite the negative hisologic result of fat-pad biopsy, we performed duodenal biopsy that confrmed amyloidosis. This case report demonsrates the important value of duodenal tissue in order to conform the diagnosis of amyloidosis.

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IssueVol 3 No 3 (2018): Summer QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Amyloidosis Congo red Duodenal biopsy

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Daraei M, Siri G, Allameh SF, Lotfi M, Alesaeidi S. Amyloidosis With Periorbital Rash. CRCP. 2019;3(3):78-81.