Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca
Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica (TPO) is a rare benign disorder of the lower part of the trachea and the upper part of the main bronchi. A 55-year-old female patient had been referring to our pulmonary and critical care center suffering from chronic dry cough and breathlessness on exertion and retrosternal pain for several months who was admitted to our center when she was complaining about breathlessness on exertion and chronic dry cough and retrosternal pain.
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[2] Karlikaya C, Yüksel M, Kiliçli S, Candan L. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. Respirology. 2000; 5(4):377 80. [DOI:10.1046/ j.1440-1843.2000.00278.x]
[3] Jabbardarjani HR, Radpey B, Kharabian S, Masjedi MR. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: Presentaton of ten cases and review of the literature. Lung. 2008; 186(5):293. [DOI:10.1378/ chest.134.4_MeetngAbstracts.p10002]
[4] Prakash UB. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. Seminars in Respiratory and Critcal Care Medicine. 2002; 23(2):167-75. [DOI:10.1055/s-2002-25305] [PMID]
[5] Kart L, Kiraz K, Büyükoglan H, Ozesmi M, Sentürk Z, Gülmez I, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: Two cases and review of literature. Tuberk Toraks. 2004; 52(3):268-71. [PMID]
[6] Neumann A, Kasper D, Schultz-Coulon HJ. [Clinical aspects of tracheopathia osteoplastca (German)]. HNO. 2001; 49(1):41-7. [DOI:10.1007/s001060050706]
[7] Sutor GC, Glaab T, Eschenbruch C, Fabel H. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: An uncommon cause of retenton pneumonia in an elderly patent. Pneumologie. 2001; 55(12):563-7. [DOI:10.1055/s-2001-19000]
[8] Hantous-Zannad S, Sebaı L, Zidi A, Khelil JB, Mestri I, Besbes M, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca presentng as a respiratory insufciency: Diagnosis by bronchoscopy and MRI. European Journal of Radiology. 2003; 45(2):113-6. [DOI:10.1016/ S0720-048X(02)00028-1]
[9] Meyer CN, Døssing M, Broholm H. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. Respiratory Medicine. 1997; 91(8):499-502. [DOI:10.1016/S0954-6111(97)90117-7]
[10] Gillissen A, Richter A, Oster H. Clinical efcacy of short-term treatment with extra-fne HFA beclomethasone dipropionate in patents with post-infectous persistent cough. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2007; 58(5):223-32. [PMID]
[11] Restrepo S, Pandit M, Villamil MA, Rojas IC, Perez JM, Gascue A. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: Helical CT fndings in 4 cases. Journal of Thoracic Imaging. 2004; 19(2):112-6. [DOI:10.1097/00005382-200404000-00010]
[12] Khan AM, Shim C, Simmons N, Chung V, Alterman DD, Haramat LB, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: A rare cause of tracheal stenosis- “TPO stenosis”. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2006; 132(3):714-6. [DOI:10.1016/j. jtcvs.2006.05.024]
[13] Coetmeur D, Bovyn G, Leroux P, Niel-Duriez M. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca presentng at the tme of a difcult intubaton. Respiratory Medicine. 1997; 91(8):496-8. [DOI:10.1016/ S0954-6111(97)90116-5]
[14] Molloy AR, McMahon JN. Rapid progression of tracheal stenosis associated with tracheopathia osteo chondroplastca. Intensive Care Medicine. 1988; 15(1):60-2. [DOI:10.1007/BF00255642]
[15] Shigematsu Y, Sugio K, Yasuda M, Sugaya M, Ono K, Takenoyama M, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca occurring in a subsegmental bronchus and causing obstructve pneumonia. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2005; 80(5):1936-8. [DOI:10.1016/j. athoracsur.2004.06.101]
[16] Baugnee PE, Delaunois LM. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare associated with Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. European Respiratory Journal. 1995; 8(1):180-2. [DOI:10.1183/09031 936.95.08010180]
[2] Karlikaya C, Yüksel M, Kiliçli S, Candan L. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. Respirology. 2000; 5(4):377 80. [DOI:10.1046/ j.1440-1843.2000.00278.x]
[3] Jabbardarjani HR, Radpey B, Kharabian S, Masjedi MR. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: Presentaton of ten cases and review of the literature. Lung. 2008; 186(5):293. [DOI:10.1378/ chest.134.4_MeetngAbstracts.p10002]
[4] Prakash UB. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. Seminars in Respiratory and Critcal Care Medicine. 2002; 23(2):167-75. [DOI:10.1055/s-2002-25305] [PMID]
[5] Kart L, Kiraz K, Büyükoglan H, Ozesmi M, Sentürk Z, Gülmez I, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: Two cases and review of literature. Tuberk Toraks. 2004; 52(3):268-71. [PMID]
[6] Neumann A, Kasper D, Schultz-Coulon HJ. [Clinical aspects of tracheopathia osteoplastca (German)]. HNO. 2001; 49(1):41-7. [DOI:10.1007/s001060050706]
[7] Sutor GC, Glaab T, Eschenbruch C, Fabel H. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: An uncommon cause of retenton pneumonia in an elderly patent. Pneumologie. 2001; 55(12):563-7. [DOI:10.1055/s-2001-19000]
[8] Hantous-Zannad S, Sebaı L, Zidi A, Khelil JB, Mestri I, Besbes M, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca presentng as a respiratory insufciency: Diagnosis by bronchoscopy and MRI. European Journal of Radiology. 2003; 45(2):113-6. [DOI:10.1016/ S0720-048X(02)00028-1]
[9] Meyer CN, Døssing M, Broholm H. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. Respiratory Medicine. 1997; 91(8):499-502. [DOI:10.1016/S0954-6111(97)90117-7]
[10] Gillissen A, Richter A, Oster H. Clinical efcacy of short-term treatment with extra-fne HFA beclomethasone dipropionate in patents with post-infectous persistent cough. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2007; 58(5):223-32. [PMID]
[11] Restrepo S, Pandit M, Villamil MA, Rojas IC, Perez JM, Gascue A. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: Helical CT fndings in 4 cases. Journal of Thoracic Imaging. 2004; 19(2):112-6. [DOI:10.1097/00005382-200404000-00010]
[12] Khan AM, Shim C, Simmons N, Chung V, Alterman DD, Haramat LB, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca: A rare cause of tracheal stenosis- “TPO stenosis”. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2006; 132(3):714-6. [DOI:10.1016/j. jtcvs.2006.05.024]
[13] Coetmeur D, Bovyn G, Leroux P, Niel-Duriez M. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca presentng at the tme of a difcult intubaton. Respiratory Medicine. 1997; 91(8):496-8. [DOI:10.1016/ S0954-6111(97)90116-5]
[14] Molloy AR, McMahon JN. Rapid progression of tracheal stenosis associated with tracheopathia osteo chondroplastca. Intensive Care Medicine. 1988; 15(1):60-2. [DOI:10.1007/BF00255642]
[15] Shigematsu Y, Sugio K, Yasuda M, Sugaya M, Ono K, Takenoyama M, et al. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca occurring in a subsegmental bronchus and causing obstructve pneumonia. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2005; 80(5):1936-8. [DOI:10.1016/j. athoracsur.2004.06.101]
[16] Baugnee PE, Delaunois LM. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare associated with Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. European Respiratory Journal. 1995; 8(1):180-2. [DOI:10.1183/09031 936.95.08010180]
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Issue | Vol 4 No 1 (2019): Winter | |
Section | Case Report(s) | |
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Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica Breathlessness |
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How to Cite
Sanaei E, Aghaei Meybodi F, Vaghefi M. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastca. CRCP. 2019;4(1):23-26.