Case Report

Interesting Imaging in a Patient With Lung Cancer Due to Asbestosis


Introduction: Asbestosis is a subtype of pneumoconiosis caused by asbestos that can lead to fibrosis and scarring the lung tissues.
Case Report: Some of the asbestos-related diseases are calcifications, malignant mesothelioma, and pleural effusion.
Conclusion: Asbestosis can cause cancer several years after the initial exposure, but it can remain asymptomatic for a long time. Here we present image of a patient with asbestosis related carcinoma. The figures below show interesting cuts of the chest CT scan of a patient admitted to the hospital with asbestosis-related carcinoma.

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IssueVol 5 No 1 (2020): Winter QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Asbestosis Chest computerized tomography scan (CT scan) Lung cancer

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How to Cite
Bolbol Haghighi A, Karimpour Reihan S. Interesting Imaging in a Patient With Lung Cancer Due to Asbestosis. CRCP. 2020;5(1):17-18.