Case Report

A case report of methamphetamine–induced delusional parasitosis


Psychotic disorders are a group of severe mental disorders that can remarkably affect brain functions by altering beliefs and perceptions. There are different types of psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, delusional disorder, paraphrenia, etc. The symptoms of a psychotic disorder include delusions, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, unusual behavior, altered feelings, and so on. Symptoms may vary from person to person and change with time. Antipsychotic drugs and psychotherapy can be used in the treatment of psychotic disorders. In this case report, we describe a 39-year-old woman who suffered from methamphetamine- induced delusional parasitosis.

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IssueVol 5 No 4 (2020): Autumn QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Delusional parasitosis Psychotc disorder Methamphetamine abuse

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How to Cite
Bidaki R, Negintaji S, Dehqan MJ, Saghafi F, Naseri Bafrouie M, Mohammadi A. A case report of methamphetamine–induced delusional parasitosis. CRCP. 2021;5(4):110-112.