Case Report

Stll Disease Is Stll Hard to Diagnosis: A Case Report


Adult-onset Still Disease (AOSD) is a rare rheumatologic condition with unrecognized etiology. Spiking fevers, joint involvement (arthralgia or arthritis), rashes, lymphadenopathy, abnormal liver function test data, and leukocytosis are the main features of this disease. Yamaguchi’s criteria with the sensitivity and specificity of 96.2% and 92.1%, respectively, is the most beneficial tool for the diagnosis of AOSD, as a rare disease. The uncommon features of the still disease remain confusing for clinicians. about the present study reported a 27-year-old patient who was referred to our hospital with an unknown diagnosis, because of the rare features of Still disease. The explored characteristics of rashes, fever, and para-clinical data, as well as laboratory and imaging data, are described in detail; such features have led to long hospitalization to confirm the diagnosis in this patient. The positive family history of the rheumatologic disease and dramatic response to low dose corticosteroids were other outstanding features of our case. This report highlighted the necessity of conducting randomized clinical trials to address the management of AOSD. Besides, the present study signified the need for providing further awareness among clinicians to prevent long hospitalization.

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IssueVol 6 No 2 (2021): March-April QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Adult stll disease Fever Diagnosis

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How to Cite
Sattartabar B, Karimpour Reyhan S, Abbaszadeh M, Khajavirad N. Stll Disease Is Stll Hard to Diagnosis: A Case Report. CRCP. 2021;6(2):37-41.