Case Report

A Rare Pediatric Monteggia Equivalent Fracture: Case Report, Literature Review and a New Proposed Pediatric Bado Classification


Variations of Monteggia fractures are uncommon in the pediatric population and demand a high suspicion for early recognition and treatment. The involvement of the radial head in these types of injury isn’t well documented, but literary reports are growing. We report a case of a poorly documented variant of a Monteggia Equivalent Fracture with a Salter-Harris II fracture of the radial head with medial displacement and propose a new approach to the Bado classification in the pediatric population based on a literature review.

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IssueVol 7 No 1 (2022): January-February QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Pediatrics Trauma Forearm

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How to Cite
Silva R, Pinto L, Fernandes J, Costa F, Manuel Freitas J, Coutinho J. A Rare Pediatric Monteggia Equivalent Fracture: Case Report, Literature Review and a New Proposed Pediatric Bado Classification. CRCP. 2022;7(1):16-20.