Case Report

Appendicovesical Fistula, as the First Presentation of Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of Appendix: A Case Report


In this case report, a man presenting with a rare symptom of appendix cancer is dis- cussed. Hematuria, which was the key diagnostic feature in this patient, has never been re- ported as a presenting feature of appendix cancer which may explain why this patient has been experiencing this symptom for months and yet have not get the proper di- agnosis. As we discussed in the case report, although appendiceal cancer is a potentially life-threatening issue, it is frequently missed in patients. Therefore, we believe report- ing this key symptom in this journal would help physicians to make a more accurate diagnosis in this matter. 

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IssueVol 7 No 3 (2022): May-June QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Cancer Surgical oncology Appendix cancer Imaging

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How to Cite
Mohammadzadeh N, Hashemi SMM. Appendicovesical Fistula, as the First Presentation of Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of Appendix: A Case Report. CRCP. 2022;7(3):105-108.