Case Report

Recurrent Facial Palsy in an Adolescent - Case Report


Recurrent facial nerve paralysis is an unusual occurrence.Recurrent facial palsy, oro-facial swelling, and a fissured tongue. Lower Motor Neuron Palsy. No definitive therapy is available, and frequent recurrences are common.Idiopathic recurrent Lower Motor Neuron facial palsy with atypical presentations can be indicative of Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome.

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IssueVol 8 No 6 (2023): November-December QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Recurrent facial palsy Oro-facial edema Fssured tongue Case report

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How to Cite
Garg A, Shamsi S, Khan W. Recurrent Facial Palsy in an Adolescent - Case Report. CRCP. 2024;8(6):243-246.