
Isn’t The killing of More Than 13 Thousand Children in Gaza And The Destruction of 35 Hospitals, A Case Report?


As the editor of the Journal of Case Report in Clinical Practice and someone who has been teaching scientific writing in Iran and the Middle East for many years, I always emphasize two points regarding the case report.

1. Generally, your case report should be rare and not commonly seen. In the history of the last two centuries, which war do you think would kill more than 40,000 defenseless people in a few months with the weapons provided by the three member countries of the Security Council, and create more than two million refugees [1-4]? All the people of the West, including academics, protest, but with the efforts of the same three members of the Security Council, the United States, United Kingdom, and France, not a single resolution against the Zionist regime is passed. In my opinion, as the editor of the Journal, this is definitely a case report.

2. The purpose of writing a case report is for the medical doctor to do the best work with his/her practice in medicine, which in the case of killing the people of Gaza and documenting it as a tragic event unique in history, will probably cause the free people of the world in the future, to elect rulers who believe in human rights and respect for human life. Anyway, what is important is that despite the support and at best, indifference of the Western countries, this killing has offended the conscience of the free people of the West so much that after the Vietnam war, almost all the academics of the American universities have protested and this protest movement of the universities America has developed to other Western universities. The cruel killing of infants who needed NICU or were in NICU and died due to lack of electricity and oxygen will be written in the history of modern medicine [5, 6].

IssueVol 8 No 6 (2023): November-December QRcode
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/crcp.v8i6.16229

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How to Cite
Akhondzadeh S. Isn’t The killing of More Than 13 Thousand Children in Gaza And The Destruction of 35 Hospitals, A Case Report?. CRCP. 2024;8(6):231-232.