Case Report

Repeated Sepsis in an 83-Year-Old Man With Cancer With Long-Lasting Invasive Treatments


Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection damages its own tissues and organs. Sepsis is caused by an inflammatory immune response triggered by an infection. Its risk factors include aging, weak immune system, major trauma, or burns. Treatment of sepsis is often based on fluid replacement and antibiotic therapy. In this study, an 83-year-old man is reported with two times of diagnosis of sepsis during three years. The first sepsis was due to an infection of the colostomy and the second one followed an infection at tracheostomy site. It seems that the disease and the underlying condition of the patient contribute to the occurrence of sepsis. The patient each time was discharged from the hospital after successful response to the treatment.

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IssueVol 4 No 4 (2019): Autumn QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Sepsis Chronic diseases colostomy Tracheostomy Cancer

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How to Cite
Imanipour M, Rasoulzadeh N, Hosseini A. Repeated Sepsis in an 83-Year-Old Man With Cancer With Long-Lasting Invasive Treatments. CRCP. 2020;4(4):122-124.