Case Report

Cutaneous Metastasis of Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report With Literature Review


The metastasis to respiratory system secondary to chondrosarcoma is a common finding; however, metastasis to other organs such as skin or bones is much less common. In the current report, we described a case with the history of chondrosarcoma of the mandible that recently referred with the metastatic lesions in her scalp skin. Our case is a female patient that its secondary metastasis occurred only 4 months after her initial tumor diagnosis. More interestingly, among all baseline laboratory parameters, only inflammatory biomarkers increased as the nonspecific diagnostic indices. In other words, the accurate diagnosis of metastasis to bone following chondrosarcoma may be delayed and even masked with early inflammatory reactions. On the whole, in all patients who suffer from chondrosarcoma, early metastasis to skin or bones should be considered, especially when inflammatory indices are high.

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IssueVol 4 No 3 (2019): Summer QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Chondrosarcoma; Metastasis; Skin; Survival

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How to Cite
Nazar E, Ghanadan A. Cutaneous Metastasis of Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report With Literature Review. CRCP. 2019;4(3):73-77.