Portal Vein Thrombosis in a Woman with a Large Uterine Fibroma
This article presents a case of portal vein thrombosis accompanied by a large uterine fibroma. A 37-year-old virgin woman presented with vaginal bleeding, abdominal mass, fever, dyspnea and lower limbs edema. In past medical history, she did not have any systemic diseases. She had menometrorrhagia from four years ago. She was admitted with diagnosis of a large uterine fibroma and was suspected of COVID 19 pneumonia or thrombophlebitis. The final diagnosis was a large uterine fibroma with chronic portal vein thrombosis. Although uterine fibromas are benign tumors, they may make serious life-threatening complications like thrombosis. The cause of thrombosis is the pressure effect of fibroma and/ or transfusion to treat anemia. Although there may be other unknown etiologies for thrombosis in these patients. We suggest that existence of a large uterine myomas should be known as a risk factor for thrombosis ( like IBS, Covid 19 and etc.) and be given a score in Caprini Score system, to start anticoagulation before and after any surgical intervention.
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Issue | Vol 7 No 6 (2022): November-December | |
Section | Case Report(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/crcp.v7i6.12277 | |
Keywords | ||
Portal vein Thrombosis Uterine fibroma |
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