Case Report

An uncommon cause of intra-abdominal sepsis: A case report


The abdomen is the second most common site for sepsis. This potentially life- threatening condition necessitates finding the source and providing prompt medical and/or surgical treatment. This presentation reveals an uncommon cause of intra- abdominal sepsis.A 43-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain, tachycardia, tachypnea, and generalized abdominal tenderness. The evaluation of the laboratory tests showed an elevation in white blood cell count and liver enzymes. Ultrasonography of the liver revealed the presence of hydatid cysts, and the abdomino- pelvic computed tomography scan with contrast displayed multiple pyogenic cysts in her liver, one of which had ruptured into the peritoneum. She underwent surgery, received antimicrobial agents, and was successfully discharged without experiencing any complications.One clinical presentation of a hepatic hydatid cyst could be intra-abdominal sepsis, which requires emergency surgery along with antibiotic and anti-helminthic drugs.

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IssueVol 8 No 6 (2023): November-December QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Intra-abdominal infection Hepatic hydatid cyst Case report

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How to Cite
Abouhamzeh K, Salahshour F, Zangi M, Mirbagheri S, Eftekhari M. An uncommon cause of intra-abdominal sepsis: A case report. CRCP. 2024;8(6):264-269.